Thursday, April 12, 2007

Albert Einsteins Bee Prediction Comment 2012?


I just came across a news thread that mentions a Albert Einstein comment.

Albert Einstein warned humankind of two approaching apocalypses: one was nuclear annihilation and the other involved bees. He said:"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left

Wow, I have never read this comment of Albert Einsteins. Add the four years to todays date and we are close to the Mayan date of 2011-2012. This is frightening!

I know there has been several alerts of pending doom and many have prepared only to watch the time pass by without any gloom. The bluff has been called out so many times, but is this the real one we should prepare for?

Lets say 90% of the bees do die. What about the butterfly? What about Hummingbirds? I know they cannot carry the full load to fill in what the bees have done for pollination, but could it carry us until we come up with a solution?

How can I say it is just coincidence? I simply wont because to many prophecies seem to be coming together. The many Apocalyptic predictions along with NASA predictions send chills up my spin. NASA predicts that the sun will reverse its own magnetic poles during 2012 reaching the end of an 11-year sunspot cycle. Will this weaken the magnetic field on earth, and allow harmful particles enter earth's atmosphere? Some say yes it is very likely.

Apocalyptic predictions seem to be falling into place so perfectly and I think it is important that non believers consider all the research that went into many of these prophecies to either prove or disprove them. Below is a list of information that I recommend.
  • The 1995 book The Mayan Prophecies linked the Maya calendar with long-period sunspot cycles.
  • The book 2012:Mayan Year of Destiny claims the Maya may have been instructed in their wisdom by discarnate entities from Orion and the Pleiades. Contact was maintained through shamanic rituals conducted in accordance with the movements of planets and stars.
  • The 1997 book The Bible Code claims that, according to certain algorithms of the Bible code, a meteor, asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth.
  • The book The Nostradamus Code speaks of a series of natural disasters caused by a comet (possibly as above) which will allow the third anti-christ to disperse his troops around the globe under the guise of aid in preparation for a possible nuclear war, although in the strictest sense it is unspecific as to nuclear war or some other natural or man caused destruction.
  • The book The Orion Prophecy claims that the Earth's magnetic field will reverse.
  • The 2005 book Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy by Geoff Stray reviews several theories, prophecies and predictions concerning 2012 and finds where authors have used faulty information or have bent the truth to fit their theories.
  • The 2006 book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck discusses theories of a possible global awakening to psychic connection by the year 2012, creating a Noosphere. It also discusses many other aspects of the 2012 phenomenon from a neutral perspective.

Other prophecies and apocalyptic writings and hypotheses for this year include:

  • Terence McKenna's mathematical novelty theory suggests a point of singularity in which a great number of things could happen, including "hyperspatial breakthrough", planetesimal impact, alien contact, historical metamorphosis, metamorphosis of natural law, solar explosion, quasar ignition at the galactic core, or nothing. [10]
  • The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, speculated that Pope Benedict XVI would reign during the beginning of the tribulation of which Jesus spoke, and sometime later a future pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the Roman", the last in this prophetic list, would appear, bringing as a result the destruction of the city of Rome and the Last Judgment.
  • Many new age spiritualists and philosophers ("new-agers") believe humankind will enter an age of enlightenment in 2012. There are a range of varying, generally positive, beliefs shared by a subset of spiritualists from the mundane to exceptional -- including a positive social shift and age of peace, mankind becoming psychic and connected by a collective, and/or an evolution of the human race into non-corporeal beings made of "spiritual" energy, or light energy, i.e. 'ascension'.
  • Some alien-enthusiasts, along with some new-agers, believe 2012 to correspond approximately with the return of alien "watchers" or "caretakers" who might have helped the first human civilizations with developing their technology and may have been waiting for us to reach a higher level of technological and/or social advancement. Beliefs range from the extra-terrestrials having benevolent purposes -- such as to help human society evolve -- to malevolent purposes -- such as enslavement of mankind and/or manipulation.[citation needed]
  • The Nepalese ascetic Ram Bahadur Bomjon, the so-called "Buddha boy", reportedly told his followers that he would return around 2012.
  • Some proponents of a peak oil catastrophe place major events in 2012. Richard C. Duncan's book The Peak of World Oil Production and the Road To The Olduvai Gorge claims that the Olduvai cliff will begin and permanent blackouts will occur worldwide. Several studies predict a peak in oil production in or around 2012. [11] [12] [13]
  • Self-proclaimed time traveler John Titor predicts that a catastrophic event "similar to the parting of the Red Sea" will occur.

If you put these all together how can it be coincidence?

Source of information


Anonymous said...

I am a woman, intellegent, a college graduate and someone who is open minded, skeptical and scientific. Yet,all of a sudden, I find that there is this duality that I find in myself.
I, too, find the 2012 issue interesting, and understand for rating purposes that the shows and media will use it to their full advantage. However, I find myself researching this topic with a vengence! Just in the past year, all of a sudden anything seems plausible and possible? Are there signs out there to whats coming? Will we be moving in a positive or negative direction? Why am I thinking like this? And how odd that I find myself thinking that we are at a crossroads to something new (good or bad i don't know). Can I truly believe that the antichrist is gaining power?, do I think that in 2012 we will finally have contact with UFO's, or proof of ghosts and other phenomena? I have NEVER in my life thought any of these ideas and thoughts would even enter my mind, and now in 2008 I keep thinking its possible? Why and whats going on?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. Many people are feeling the same way, and I find that amazing in itself. Is it because we see and hear more about 2012? I can honestly say that I've felt like I am waiting for something or I need to be ready... for what? I have no idea. Is it a comet strike? Is it contact with Aliens?

I am not alone with these thoughts and feelings. I'm finding more people that have the same feelings, and I find more evidence to support some of the facts often.

I find the subject of the Sumerians and the Mayans to be very interesting, and their writings convince me more then a booming voice from the heavens.

Ian Xel Lungold talks about what the ancients wrote. They said to let go of the waters edge, do not hold on and you shall find peace when you do.

Something within myself is telling me to get in shape, stay healthy, and learn survival skills, and adapt to change (such as wean off medications, addictions, and more) because my life will depend on it. That might sound strange, but could it be my consciousness (higher power) warning me?

Who knows if this will happen in my lifetime, or in my children's lifetimes. I do however know that if I see signs for myself I will take action, and I will not trust our government to help us. The documentary "Super Comet: After the Impact" is a wonderful example.

Anonymous said...

There is also... a super black hole near the middle of our milky way galaxy, this emits gamma bursts at both ends from matter it has devoured ie stars planets etc; the earth is lined up perfectly with the direction these gamma rays are coming at 31st December 2012 if they are powerful enough they will pull the earth from its present axis and end civilization as we know it. Then i could envisage a new world leader ie an anti - christ to emerge. I believe this has happend before i mean the earth shifting its axis, because a mammoth was found frozen intact hundreds of miles into artic siberia yet his digestive tract showed he was eating grass; it was undigested; only a shift in the earth's axis explains this

Anonymous said...

Sorry my error it is the 21st Dec.2012

Anonymous said...

IT IS 21st December 2012

Anonymous said...

The date 21st December 2012 coincides with the last date mentioned in the mayan calender which to them signified the end of all civilization, they had correctly predicted their own as well, centuries before it occurred.

Anonymous said...

What I find interesting is earlier civilizations that knew what our solar system looked like. Placed planets correctly AND knew their colors. How in the world could they do this 6,000 yrs ago?

Sounds to me that you most likely already know about the "Sumerians", but for those readers that do not just do a search on Google for Sumerians, Nibiru, Planet X, and watch some videos.

Another amazing point to make is watch lectures and documentaries on the Sumerian Tablets. It will knock your socks off!

Anonymous said...

1st of all….greetings from another open minded human being.
I am sorry to say my friend that after reading your blog, I find it just a collection of different references about the point we are discussing here.
I mean to say, there’s a complete absence of your own thoughts regarding…..

I am 26 & I knew about this highly interesting thing for the last 10 years.

Well I think, even if I throw out (of my cerebellum) the predictions / articles I read earlier regarding the year ‘2012’ or ‘2036’ ……it comes easily in my mind that the human race has come to the limits….
The limits of doing tortures… I mean –

The torture they do to the other species
The torture they do to the nature
The torture they do to the outer space
The torture they do to themselves as well

It has really come to its extreme limits.
So, without any calculations or believing in the sayings of other well known persons….
It is but obvious my friend that the “end of the world” is near by…..

May it be 2012 as calculated by Einstein or
May it be 2036 as calculated by Sir Isaac Newton.

But before ‘the end of the world’ takes place…
I ask only one day from the God to do my dream experiment on this planet.

Please do visit my blog page to view my dream experiment…..

Anonymous said...

Let's look at this for a second. I'm not here to say everything is false, but I will try to optimistically explain a few things.

First up, the suns axis reversile. It shouldn't reduce Earth's magnetic field. I'm pretty sure it's influenced by Earth's gravity and atmosphere.

Next, the Mayans and the sunspots. The Mayan Long Count calender isn't the end of the world. It is supposedly a time of change, of enlightenment. The sun is constantly on an 11-year cycle of increased sunspot activity, then decreased activity, then an increase again, that happen to a so it's reversed its magnetic field before(It happens after each cycle). I believe the sunspot cycle and the Long Count calender matching up is no coincidence. Remember, the Mayans were brilliant astronomers. It's completely possible they based the calender on the sunspot cycle, which explains why both end on 2012.

The Earth's magnetic fields have reversed several times before. It will screw up the migratory patterns of many animals, but the overall impact will be small.

John Titor is a prank. There is no proof, and none of his predictions have happened.

There is substantial evidence to show Einstein NEVER said the quote with the bees. It's a rumor made by protesting French beekeepers in the '70s that has become quickly widespread.

No where, NO WHERE, in the bible does it say the world will end on 2012. Those crackpots who say they found it were just looking for patterns that weren't there, "found" one, and said that the world would end on 2012 in an attempt to fool people because it matched with the Mayans. In fact, the bible has direct evidence of the contrary. Christ says no one will know when the day of judgement comes, only the father knows. I can't remember the book that has it, but it was when Christ was talking to the disciples after his ressurection.

I hope I've laid some of the fears to rest. There is reason to be concerned about the bees, but it's not like we haven't taken notice of it. I think the second Enlightenment is a lot more likely than the doomsday. We, as humans, are starting to notice the consequences of our last century of actions. Even if it is a catastrophe, I'm sure this planet will come out of it, it has before. Unless, of course, it's the Apocolypse, but... we'll just have to wait and see.

One last thing.

@ Aganacca: Many, MANY other organisms have been found well preserved in permafrost. Siberia has been a cold place for a millenia. If the mammoth's preservation was a result of a shift in Earth's axis, we'd find a lot more. The shift, also, doesn't effect climate, only where the compass points. Climate is effected much more by how the sun hits the Earth than where the ends of the magnetic field lie. We will not come CLOSE to the black hole, either. It is there, but we are orbiting around its equator, like the rest of the Milky Way galaxy, and won't go close to its poles.

Anonymous said...

CLIMATE: Will be affected greatly at first worldwide because air will be pushed around as violently as the water, when the earth is pulled from its axis in 21st Dec 2012; then it will depend on how lucky individual countries are in the new order of things whether you are nearer the new poles brfore you can state that climate is unaffected. You may wonder why i use the term pull and not push?

Anonymous said...

If gamma rays were only leaving a black hole at one end I would say push; but because they leave at both ends it suggests a counteraction the gamma rays are permitted so far then retract it is a continuous thing designed to not expand the universe as many think but to shrink it by devouring more matter and expanding the black hole.

Anonymous said...

i am 17, currently in high school, us kids never talked about this stuff, its gotta be real when i find myself talking to drug attics about the i ching, its real and everybody knows it!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Let's look at this for a second. I'm not here to say everything is false, but I will try to optimistically explain a few things.

First up, the suns axis reversile. It shouldn't reduce Earth's magnetic field. I'm pretty sure it's influenced by Earth's gravity and atmosphere.

Next, the Mayans and the sunspots. The Mayan Long Count calender isn't the end of the world. It is supposedly a time of change, of enlightenment. The sun is constantly on an 11-year cycle of increased sunspot activity, then decreased activity, then an increase again, that happen to a so it's reversed its magnetic field before(It happens after each cycle). I believe the sunspot cycle and the Long Count calender matching up is no coincidence. Remember, the Mayans were brilliant astronomers. It's completely possible they based the calender on the sunspot cycle, which explains why both end on 2012.

The Earth's magnetic fields have reversed several times before. It will screw up the migratory patterns of many animals, but the overall impact will be small.

John Titor is a prank. There is no proof, and none of his predictions have happened.

There is substantial evidence to show Einstein NEVER said the quote with the bees. It's a rumor made by protesting French beekeepers in the '70s that has become quickly widespread.

No where, NO WHERE, in the bible does it say the world will end on 2012. Those crackpots who say they found it were just looking for patterns that weren't there, "found" one, and said that the world would end on 2012 in an attempt to fool people because it matched with the Mayans. In fact, the bible has direct evidence of the contrary. Christ says no one will know when the day of judgement comes, only the father knows. I can't remember the book that has it, but it was when Christ was talking to the disciples after his ressurection.

I hope I've laid some of the fears to rest. There is reason to be concerned about the bees, but it's not like we haven't taken notice of it. I think the second Enlightenment is a lot more likely than the doomsday. We, as humans, are starting to notice the consequences of our last century of actions. Even if it is a catastrophe, I'm sure this planet will come out of it, it has before. Unless, of course, it's the Apocolypse, but... we'll just have to wait and see.

One last thing.

@ Aganacca: Many, MANY other organisms have been found well preserved in permafrost. Siberia has been a cold place for a millenia. If the mammoth's preservation was a result of a shift in Earth's axis, we'd find a lot more. The shift, also, doesn't effect climate, only where the compass points. Climate is effected much more by how the sun hits the Earth than where the ends of the magnetic field lie. We will not come CLOSE to the black hole, either. It is there, but we are orbiting around its equator, like the rest of the Milky Way galaxy, and won't go close to its poles.

thankyou anonymous for your comment as i myself was gettin so worried over this whole End of the World thing that i started to sit about in my room thinking about it over and over, but because of you, my mind is now at rest from some of it's worst fears and i would just like to say thankyou because now i can live my life again and love every mooment because now i know how lucky we all are and i just wish people could feel the same way and places like china and america could lower their pollution contribution and the over poopulation crisis goes down.

Esther said...

The bible says when the jews go back to their own land after being scattered abroad for a long time, that would be the end of the age as we know it.
Well, they are back in their own land after 2000 years. This happened in 1948.

Esther said...

regarding my previous comment about the end of the age happening when the jews go back to their own land. I should have said, that is when it will START to happen. It will be that generation who are alive when the jews go back that will see things happening that will bring in the end of the age.

Anonymous said...

The end of the age is the passing from the year of picies to aquarius. Jesus was NOT prediting the end of the world.

zafiq19 said...

im only 15 and a student and a dreamer we are put on this earht to learnt, love, respect and feel and if we die our body die not our soul , i belive god is just god thats his name , not allah , jesus or what so ever its just god nothing else n religion is just a guide to understand that :) (tis is not to offend an religion , i have learnt and understand islam and christian n hindus n chinese ways of praying in those religion)

Russell James said...

in 2008, experts predicted that if nothing was done, the Bee would have only a decade of live left. many people do not know this information and so think of the Mayan prediction of doom in 2012.Einstein predicted that the Human Race would have only 4 years left if Bee's became extinct. many people do not know this information and so think of the Mayan prediction of doom in 2012.
However the truth is we have 13 years to find a soloution and the Mayan doom does not fit into this timeline. Whilst there is alot being done to find the cause of the Bee death and therefore there is a good chance of saving the bee's, we must remember that the common cold has been around for centuries and we still have not found a cure. We must prepare for the POSSIBILITY that the bee's will die out. Do not give up hope.

Anonymous said...

wow 2012 likes ants seeing for the first time the human clock hitting 12....the big hand and small hand are on the same number.................ooooooh my god,,,,,,,its just a cosmic clock and impressive to us little biengs thats all...........nothing will happen,,,,,,,,,we're all just hoping something big will happen like waiting for the next tabloid headline,,,,,,,,,just enjoy your lives man thats all you have,,,,time experiences as you are right now why do you look to find more worries,,,,you're all bored with your own lives if you expect the cosmic clock will suddenly bring you peace or joy or total choas because it aint gonna, no the earth aint gonna start spining bacwards and the poles aint gonna switch, its just a god dam cosmic time n thats its gonna be 12 'o clock or whatever cosmic time when the palnets all line up so what....good luck

nick said...

ah who the hell knows anymore with all of these out of their minds, psyco paths that make this B.S. up to try to scare people. If it happens it happens. God has a plan for us all. Don't let it scare you. Live life to the fullest. And don't let ass's that make this crap up scare you!

Anonymous said...

Everyone freaked out about Y2K. God has a plan for us all and we will be okay if you believe that as you live your life!

Will Perkins said...

Ok, so as I understand it, in 2012 the sun will line up with the blackhole in the center of our galaxy increasing Earths gravity enough to kill everything the size of a bee and smaller. (Now I could be way off on this.) What eles would this gravity flux effect? Of corse we consider the big things, tides, earthquakes, ect, but what about us? What kind of phisical effects will we feel? Is the added weight that is heavy enough to kill bees enough to feel? Enough to break electronics? If on that date im eatting peas will they suddenly quish? Just thoughts.

Fatih Keçelioğlu said...

This is a really good arguement and I just want to add something, that I believe is missing.

About the 2012 and the Mayan calendar a very significant researcher is Carl Johann Calleman.
His webpgae is:

Books available by Carl Calleman:
"The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness"
"The Mayan Calendar, Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time"

Basic information about the calendar:

Watch video presentations and find out more here

Also you can join our discussion group at:

Unknown said...

Let us see how much time we spend with Sun in his existance(Assum Sun is 5 Biilion years old). Let us assume we are with him for 20000 years with him for 0.004% . It seems like the Sun is not for us but for some one else. Earth is not for only Humans. Some of the species are already extincted as if they were knowing the forthcomming events. Bees are gone in trillions. Tigers,Lions,Elephants,Bears, Fishes are on the way getting extinct,Some farmers are ending their lives too. Without them we should feel like alone.
But no body feels nothing. What it indicates? Are we ignorant? Where we are going? How many bees did we kill for their honey? how many Lions,Tigers,elephants did we kill for money or for no reason? How many fishes did we kill for our food? Are we sane on this planet? Do we think that nobody will make us extinct? I think Money makes us evil we are not really evil Money is root of all evil. So ultimately we will be totally alone on this planet. Only in 0.004 % we made this planet as hell. Why we think for December 21,2012 we are already alone anyway.

Anonymous said...

any one or any thing who has started this issue are satans friends
i am a muslim
let us think this issue in a little religious way ; islamic way
first of all never ever in the holy quran there was written any thing about some 2012
no body knows when the day of judgement will come only god knows it
now when you guys know "that u know the doomsday date" people will stop all the bad things and all will be good
do u think god want that
i dont think so infact he does not!!!
he wants to testify people until the end of the world

to conclude i say judjement day may come any day even this second i am writing this
it is in the hand of allah the almighty

Anonymous said...

"Earthquakes Increasing is a sign of 2012"..........Read the recently ranked 7th best news site in the United States related to 2012....

Anonymous said...

"Earthquakes Increasing is a sign of 2012"..........Read the recently ranked 7th best news site in the United States related to 2012....

Unknown said...

Pole shift not happen in a sudden, in fact already started sometimes where each earthquake occur at a time actually slower down earth rotation speed, which can be call one of the shifting effect, just my own opinions, well i don't feel anything wrong up until now.

Sandeep Pudumana said...

yes! i hopeing it to be end but not nearly, it will take some more time but not going so far. the sun eliminating the magnetic fields, that fields could change the position of earths and will be gave the end. the core of the earth be in great ratio...
i just expressing my thoughts about this in my blog, or you will check the

Unknown said...

what it boils down to is...everything is slowly leaking into the public about 2012...its like they are slowly getting us ready for something to happen...the government knows something that is why they are letting it out over the past few years slowly..its not like they can come out and say hey we know this and we know that...if they did this it would most likely crumble the government ...and the world is run on government and religion....most religion is fading fast and so is the is getting out of control ....not only that but if you do sit there and think to yourself about 2012 it is next to impossible to ignore the fact that deep down inside you know and we all know that something is coming, either change,extinction....we dont know till then but it is something...i myself have never in my life ever felt so positive about something actually is going to happen and it will be very VERY big..for the past few years now the closer we get to 2012 the stronger these weird feeling are entering me...its all i think about every single is one thing i talk about to everyone even if they dont listen or ignore the fact i cant help myself...i try and put it off and not talk or think about it but its just always there i get goosebumps , i am not even close to being a sci fi guy but it is something that i have not been able to block out. i personally think that every couple thousand years we ascend in human evolution and our Consciousness seems to be opened more and more..the mayans were very smart people for there time and i also believe that they had the gift to use and open there Consciousness more then we can today...things such as religion and government have blocked or closed our Consciousness....if you think about our technology from 100 years ago to today 2010 it has greatly increased 1000% and within the last 5-10 years it has went up nearly double that number over such a small period of speaks for itself.... computers and science are getting out of control far to fast..that the government is losing control of everything...we are becoming a very powerful race and something is going to change either to make us even more powerful or to wipe us out to start over...and they do estimate that this next sun spot cycle is supposed to be the deadliest in all history....there was one back in the 1700's that wiped out a lot of stuff and burnt a lot of green life....i do find it odd though how we are starting to discover all these strange things the closer we get to 2012.......

Unknown said...

what it boils down to is...everything is slowly leaking into the public about 2012...its like they are slowly getting us ready for something to happen...the government knows something that is why they are letting it out over the past few years slowly..its not like they can come out and say hey we know this and we know that...if they did this it would most likely crumble the government ...and the world is run on government and religion....most religion is fading fast and so is the is getting out of control ....not only that but if you do sit there and think to yourself about 2012 it is next to impossible to ignore the fact that deep down inside you know and we all know that something is coming, either change,extinction....we dont know till then but it is something...i myself have never in my life ever felt so positive about something actually is going to happen and it will be very VERY big..for the past few years now the closer we get to 2012 the stronger these weird feeling are entering me...its all i think about every single is one thing i talk about to everyone even if they dont listen or ignore the fact i cant help myself...i try and put it off and not talk or think about it but its just always there i get goosebumps , i am not even close to being a sci fi guy but it is something that i have not been able to block out. i personally think that every couple thousand years we ascend in human evolution and our Consciousness seems to be opened more and more..the mayans were very smart people for there time and i also believe that they had the gift to use and open there Consciousness more then we can today...things such as religion and government have blocked or closed our Consciousness....if you think about our technology from 100 years ago to today 2010 it has greatly increased 1000% and within the last 5-10 years it has went up nearly double that number over such a small period of speaks for itself.... computers and science are getting out of control far to fast..that the government is losing control of everything...we are becoming a very powerful race and something is going to change either to make us even more powerful or to wipe us out to start over...and they do estimate that this next sun spot cycle is supposed to be the deadliest in all history....there was one back in the 1700's that wiped out a lot of stuff and burnt a lot of green life....i do find it odd though how we are starting to discover all these strange things the closer we get to 2012.......

Unknown said...

what it boils down to is...everything is slowly leaking into the public about 2012...its like they are slowly getting us ready for something to happen...the government knows something that is why they are letting it out over the past few years slowly..its not like they can come out and say hey we know this and we know that...if they did this it would most likely crumble the government ...and the world is run on government and religion....most religion is fading fast and so is the is getting out of control ....not only that but if you do sit there and think to yourself about 2012 it is next to impossible to ignore the fact that deep down inside you know and we all know that something is coming, either change,extinction....we dont know till then but it is something...i myself have never in my life ever felt so positive about something actually is going to happen and it will be very VERY big..for the past few years now the closer we get to 2012 the stronger these weird feeling are entering me...its all i think about every single is one thing i talk about to everyone even if they dont listen or ignore the fact i cant help myself...i try and put it off and not talk or think about it but its just always there i get goosebumps , i am not even close to being a sci fi guy but it is something that i have not been able to block out. i personally think that every couple thousand years we ascend in human evolution and our Consciousness seems to be opened more and more..the mayans were very smart people for there time and i also believe that they had the gift to use and open there Consciousness more then we can today...things such as religion and government have blocked or closed our Consciousness....if you think about our technology from 100 years ago to today 2010 it has greatly increased 1000% and within the last 5-10 years it has went up nearly double that number over such a small period of speaks for itself.... computers and science are getting out of control far to fast..that the government is losing control of everything...we are becoming a very powerful race and something is going to change either to make us even more powerful or to wipe us out to start over...

Unknown said...

Search "The Bee of 2012" to learn how the bee is central to the Mayan concept of 2012!

Unknown said...

Search "The Bee of 2012" to learn how the bee was center-stage in the Mayan concept of 2012!

amogh said...

I find this topic to be extraordinarily interesting, by now we all have heard about an apocalypse in different ways, but one thing that remains common is that "it is going to happen" whichever way that would be, and 2012 is said to be the year the doom. guys i personally never believed in this shit, i just find it to be worth brainstorming. many Hollywood movie makers have earned billions portraying a zomby apocalypse which is nothing but a virus spread all over, some say its the sun who will b responsible, and some say its the bee which is going to vanish, who knows whats gonna happen.. but the more i try to be negative about this thought, more I feel we are being pushed towards positive. and its no calender thats going to deside it. i think its the human race which would make this happen. If u see closely in these recent years natural calamities are causing a lot of distruction..say for instinct the TSUNAMI which i had nt heard of since my birth has become quite often..uneven rains, unpredictable weather, disappearing of the ozone layer, earthquakes have become more devastating than before. or may b it has always been the same and now we feeling it on us because we are trying to act smart with the nature.. human is consistently trying to expand the land pushing the oceans further back, and thats going to hit back big-time. we fuck with the nature then its must that nature would fuck with us. I dunno what gods think about it, but we should do all that we can and stop playing with mother nature. All that we have is hope, just like every insect in the desert hopes for water, we hope for a good and safe world, and that is what keeps us alive, that tomorrow will be better than today.

sam-johnson said...

Folklore... Albert Einstein never said that the disapearance of honey bees would signal the demise of anything. The ditty started somewhere and caught everyone's attention because it was Einstein who was given credit... Matter of fact, honey bees are not native to America, there are about 2000 other pollinators in the US and in fact, other pollinators are better at the job than Apis Malifera, the European Honey Bee that came to America a few hundreds of years ago. The reason they are given such importance is that THEY CAN BE TRANSPORTED BY COMMERCIAL BEEKEEPERS to places needing focused pollination (e.g. the almond crop in California. Yes, I am a beekeeper

leena said...

ds detective is best company

leena said...

ds detective is best company

Ozarks Honey Company said...

While this article might prove somewhat alarming, I can tel you that I am a beekeeper and I have over 1/2 million bees. They are doing great.

So, knowing that and the fact that there are many other beekeepers out there with bees. I think we are good for at least another 4 years.


tmlnr said...

The words of Nostradamus will prevail ... a fight to the finish between Islam and Christianity, is imminent.